About Alara Travel
Alara Travel has been serving the south florida community since 1996.
Alara is one of the friendliest travel agencies in Miami Florida and we want to help you with your Vacation Travel Planning. We know the Internet gives you many choices but Alara does not treat you like a number. We work for you! At Alara you always receive personal service, competitive prices and valuable advice. Let Alara's Travel Professionals handle the planning and let your vacation start right now! We invite you to give us a call explore our many offerings. Alara Travel wants to be your travel Agency of choice. We can make your Vacation more fun, your business trip more efficient and You'll see how from now on, all sorts of travel--for pleasure, education, sports, business, or pure escape--will be more enjoyable than you thought possible. While travel offers personal enrichment, it also builds a bridge of understanding between cultures. And we stand committed to your continued discovery of a world ever beautiful and large.